October 23, 2021

What Are You Doing Here?



Sometimes life shatters from where we had planned and expected it to be in this season of our life. Our aim our goal is something beautiful and wonderful for our present and our future.

Sometimes a crack in the plan or a series of cracks that suddenly shatter the glass ceiling. Now we are faced with a major defeat, discouragement, disappointment or demoralization DEAD-END!! So we think.

The cave ALONE we find ourselves in often is the greatest hole in the ground experience the Lord fully intends to speak in. He doesn’t yell, He doesn’t cut us down for being so foolish, and He doesn’t add insult to injuries.

He gently ask some questions to help us get a different perspective in our CAVE. “What are you doing here?” Wow I love that don’t you. Getting what got us there inside our head is how He is planning to get us out of our CAVE. Getting a different perspective on the whole situation is KEY to getting help getting out.

What CAVE do you find yourself in today? Relational, financial, or situational? He is quietly waiting to walk you out in a very personal way.

Let Him ask the questions ONLY you can answer to release your mind from your CAVE you are sitting in right now. He cares, He is there, and He’s waiting to do what only He can.


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Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

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