
Life verse
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11, NIV
speaking engagements
If you're interested in having Carolyn speak at your church, small group, or host a webinar/seminar, please fill out the
speaking engagement form.Life is full of surprises and changes. My journey of faith started when I was about 25 years old. I was raised in church all my life. My freedom in Christ came many years later after marrying into an alcoholic family that would bring my world to a breaking point. Life is full of challenges that we often don't see coming and find ourselves "stuck" wondering, "how, did I get here, and how do I get out?"
That is when the message of healing and wholeness through Christ as my life became real. It is when life, as I had known it, collided with reality. In desperation, hopelessness, and defeat, I needed help just to survive. I never dared to believe I could actually thrive. But the Lord had other plans for me. Jeremiah 29:11 walked right into my life as my life and ministry verse. His plans brought amazing people full of grace and truth to my family of six. Like a life coach, they walk with me through the tangled mess I found myself trying to untangle. Through love, acceptance, mercy, and truth, I found the path to healing and wholeness in the Word of God. He taught me how to live out this newfound freedom in a practical way.
My journey has taken many twists and turns as the Lord revealed (and continues to do) His plan and purpose for my life. I finish college after my children were grown and went on to work on my Masters in Christian Counseling Family and Marriage. About 12 years ago, my plans to finish the Master's and go for my license ran into another collision with the deaths of my mother and my father-in-law, all within a short period of time. I was in total burnout, working full-time and taking a full load of classes for my Masters. My body collapsed and wouldn't go any further.
I withdrew at the very end before I was to graduate, hoping to return later. Almost a year and a half past, I began my journey back only to face an unexpected end. I discovered that I was outside the "10-year window" requirement needed for my license. I was told I would need to start all over again. As I faced this new hurdle, I chose not to return. I stood there wondering what the plan for my life was now. I simply did not know. I cried out and asked the Lord, "where do I go and what do I do now? I know Your calling on my life. But, how do I walk it out?"
The Lord has been calling me to launch my own ministry across the country. He took me to the desert (literally) in the spring of 2021 to show me what that new direction would look like.
In July 2021, after six years, my journey with ReJoy Ministries has come to an end. The Lord has been calling me to launch my own ministry across the country. He took me to the desert (literally) in the spring of 2021 while I was working with clients in Arizona. He was also doing a deeper work in me and calling me to another course correction. Impact Coaching Ministries was born out of my desert experience. Doors have opened on which I never knocked. Equally true, doors have closed that I did not want to close. Jeremiah 29:11 continues to resonate every day in my life and ministry. I have never known love like the Lord has given. What a privilege and joy to walk with others into His healing just as others walked with me into healing, wholeness, and a whole new purpose and passion. What a God. What a plan. What an amazing way to see Him do what I cannot!