May 2, 2023

New Plans New Paths



New plans, new paths, new places and new spaces can bring out both excitement and some anxiety fears questioning what if? What is I fail? What if I thought I discerned your voice but now I am not sure. Is it just  from my own desires or dreams? What if others speak words of doubt into the path YOU are calling me to walk? What if those closest to you choose to no longer continue to walk as closely with you as they did before? What if some well meaning fellow sojourners misjudge my motives and dum down the version of what He is calling me to in a smaller way? WHAT IF’s have a habit of worming weasel weighty ways right into your thinking don’t they? I so understand. I so get it. I have so been and at times still am there.  

But what  if it actually happens? What if it was HIM all the time leading me through His Word, through the circumstance of life in little and big details? What if the affirmation spoken through others who have really no clue what you are deeply mulling over in your mind confirms what HE said deep in your spirit? Sometimes “what if’s are like knats or at the ocean what we call in the south “no see ‘em” that pester the life out of us but we can’t seem to kill the dang varmints as the country folk say.?

What do you do to find peace of mind? Where do you turn to stop the roller coaster ride that is getting you no where but up and down and up and down…? All great exploring questions that actually have you on the right path. The first step to starting across the bridge to what we describe at Impact Coaching Ministries as receiving, believing and walking out your calling. Believing the TRUTH that He does have a plan for your life and it is DEFINITELY not to make you miserable but full of LIFE…living life to the fullest (Jeremiah 29:11)

He was not JOKING and He is not playing a JOKE on you as some may have you think in the religious world of rules and regulation. He died not just to save you from HELL and get you into HEAVEN one day in the great by and by as many have settled for. BUT here and NOW He is RISEN and INDWELLING you by His HOLY SPIRIT to be everything you need Him to be for LIFE and GODLINESS not just a self-center, self- try harder, try to measure up and hope you can at least hit the GOAL ever once in a while flesh trip! THAT IS A TRAIN TRIP TO NO WHERE and that is not your God!

So what might be some viable, doable, measurable, grace filled, Spirit empowered ways to walk that out on the hot pavement of life? I AM GLAD you asked. You just took the second step onto the bridge over troubled waters to the GOAL of living FREE and VICTORIOUS. HIS name is JESUS CHRIST.

Come walk with us at Impact Coaching Ministries as we walk right into your dilemma, disappointment, discouragement or defeat. We will walk beside of you as a Coach to process what it means to take the “what if’s” of living life in your own strength and have a GOOD FUNERAL…a good boring.

Then start walking one step at a time in the Spirit to the “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” freedom flying fully functioning WHO HE said you are all in the book of EPHESIANS. Call today. We will gladly join the party to freedom that He died for, was buried for, rose again for, ascended for, sat down for and sent the HOLY SPIRIT on the day of Pentecost to BE IN YOU,

You need to see it to believe it. Then choice by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to believe the TRUTH and refuse to live any longer in the LIES you have be trained to believe since childhood. That is called “renewing your MIND.” Then WALK in your new IDENTITY right out into your daily REALITY. It is a guaranteed LIFE but you must choose it. Let us walk with you each step of the way. What a JOY to partner with you on your JOURNEY.


Transfer of goods, services, or actions from one person or entity to another. At the very basic, most days we trade in purchasing something, exchanging money for groceries, coffee, a haircut, gas, etc

Are you feeling overwhelmed with what is happening in the world? So many unsettling things, war, financial chaos, human slavery, abandoned kids, injustice, disease… it’s enough to sink your heart into

Worry makes you forget who's in charge. When the focus is on yourself, you worry. You become anxious about many things. You may worry that:

Ready to experience the freedom Christ has for you?

† All new contacts receive one free 30 minute session.
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