December 12, 2023

The Meaning of Christmas


Jeana Sellers

For many of us, Christmas is one of our favorites times of the year. It’s is nice to get a break from our normal routines and spend time with family and friends. Many of us have special Christmas customs and traditions, including decorations, meals, songs and the exchanging of gifts with loved ones. All of these things are very nice but do they convey the true meaning of Christmas?

If we slow down and strip away the layers of glitter, commercialism and tradition that surround the celebration of Christmas, the holiday’s true meaning becomes easier to see. We can still see a star that reminds us of the star which the wise men followed two thousand years ago while seeking the child Jesus. And we remember the message of the angel to the shepherd: Luke 2:11 Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

What was the reason Jesus left his home in Heaven to come to this world? Was it simply to do good works or to leave an example for us to follow? No, it was much more than that. 1 Timothy 1:15 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He came to deal once and for all for the sin that separates all of us from God. You might say “But I’m not a sinner!” Have you ever lied? Have you ever had hatered/jealousy in your heart? Have you ever had impure thoughts? God’s standard of holiness leaves no room for imperfection, and his word is very true when it says Romans 3:23 “All have sinned and came short of the glory of God”

Why is it so important that we believe (put our trust) in Jesus? Because God has made it clear that forgiveness of sins is not based on what we do for him, it’s based entirely on what He has done for us.

Here is where the true meaning of Christmas becomes clear to see. Christmas is all about God’s great love for us and the priceless gift that He offers to all.

Merry Christmas and may you feel the presence of Jesus in your heart and lives!


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If we slow down and strip away the layers of glitter, commercialism and tradition that surround the celebration of Christmas, the holiday’s true meaning becomes easier to see. We can still see a star

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